These three men are the two younger brothers, Xi Baili Pan Ba.


My Lord, two ancient immortals rushed in and plopped on their knees as soon as they came in.
Dust three eyebrows a wrinkly feel bad.
Lord Fu Yi was killed by Yuan Ye, who escaped.
What, I don’t want you to watch Yuan Ye? How can you let him escape? Pan Ba suddenly got up from his seat and the veins stood out and scared two ancient immortals to retreat again and again.
There are so many masters behind Master Pan Yuan Ye that he wants to escape. We can’t stop Yuan Ye from letting the villain take a message that he won’t be so stupid and wait for us to kill and rob the ice beads. We must find him first.
Hum, this Yuan Ye is arrogant. I really want to meet him. Pan Ba gritted his teeth. He learned that the news has just come to this border. These quasi-deities are the first to arrive, but they dare not move. After all, the strength of Heaven Sect of Science is not four quasi-deities. They can bring it to Fu Yi while waiting for more masters to come. But now Yuan Ye has run away and Fu Yi is dead. Pan Ba is not angry.
Brother, are we still waiting for other experts to come and let us attack Heaven Sect together? Xi Baili looks at the dust.
Dust shook his head and hit what Yuan Ye has obviously escaped. If you look for trouble with Heaven Sect of Science again, you will make yourself pay the price and get no benefits. After all, Heaven Sect of Science’s strength is not a joke. How can his quasi-deities fight to the death for one or two of us? If it were you, wouldn’t I be dead?
Suddenly, when the dust face is cold, I immediately notify my brother to search for Yuan Ye. He is still not far away. Hesitation is enough for us to find.
There are a few soft white clouds floating in the blue sky, and the spring breeze blows the sleeves with a few strands of freshness.
Yuan Ye walked quietly in a mountain path in Yishan Mansion, a Yaoyan Mansion, and the neighboring mansion was not necessarily worse than Yaoyan Mansion. Further north, Yishan Mansion is another big place in the world. Like the home country, it is impossible for every big 6 here to be bordered by a big 6, except in extremely special circumstances, when the flame is bordered by a big 6, it will be four big 6, the wind is clear 6, the wood China is big 6, and the light 6 is the flame road. It seems that people have been fighting for several years and the ice 6 is bigger.
At this time, there is no figure in Wushan Road, and Yuan Ye is alone.
Going forward, it’s windy and clear, isn’t it? It’s really chaotic here. Yuan Ye bowed his head and said that he has never been here. It’s a law to imagine how chaotic it is
War, looting, adultery and killing are all things that often happen in this world. All boundaries are three, regardless of the chaotic area. The flame is big, the ice is big, and the land here is big. The wind is clear in the mountain house, but the wind is clear in the west palace. The west palace is not big, and the road here is divided into three big six boundaries. The three big six boundaries are more chaotic than the two big six boundaries.
Since it is a three-no-care area, it is a strong respect to see treasures and tempted women. If you are strong enough, you can take Yuan Ye away. You have killed ten less robbers or attempted to rob others along the way.
But Yuan Ye changed his name in the past half month, but Yuan Ye is very high-profile, and he should take care of everything that is uneven, which creates an illusion. On the one hand, Yuan Ye shows his divine strength and makes many small and medium-sized forces throw olive branches along the way, hoping to pull them into his clan. After all, joining a small sect with a divine master can definitely make their strength cross a step. On the other hand, those giant forces and those quasi-gods will not wave their energy in Yuan Ye because of a man with a huge treasure.
Yuan Ye took a map from her arms and carefully looked at it. According to the treasure maps, she sensed each other. There are two treasure maps in the northwest. This is a big city in the northwest, and Gushan City, the state capital of Juansheng, should go there first.
Yuan Ye immediately decided that if the six treasure maps were blood-dripping, they would all be induced by each other, but the induction was very weak, so we could know the general direction and details, but we still had to look for them slowly.
Gushan City is named Gushan City because of its four levels of Zhou Wanli, one horse, one flat, one flat, one flat, the only city in the city center, one solitary mountain, towering high into the sky, magnificent momentum and strong aura.
There are three sects in Gushan Xisheng Mansion, and the word "danger" is written everywhere in this border area. Only in a big city, it is safer than in Gushan City. No master dares to kill people at will, or he will be hunted by the Blood Sacrifice Gate unless you are a master of the Blood Sacrifice Gate or a high-level person indicates that the Blood Sacrifice Gate is the absolute rule here.
The blood sacrifice gate is a mansion with three sects, one of which is weaker than that of Yan Xing Zong Yan Xing Zong, which controls the three mansions, including the largest flame and the strongest Yao Yan Mansion, but Yan Xing Zong is only five masters of ghost gods. Compared with Yan Xing Zong, the blood sacrifice gate is not a class at all, and there is no way to compare it with Hao Tianzong.
The level of ancient immortals in a blood sacrifice gate is just two people too old. Qi Changgang has just reached the level of ancient immortals. Another elder of the gate has become a breakthrough in ancient immortals in a few days. These four people are absolute masters of Gushan City. Occasionally, they can’t solve the four of them when they get into trouble in Gushan City. Of course, the strongest finger of the master here is just that the sage is stronger than an ancient fairy. The blood sacrifice gate will not be investigated.
Although it’s a rule in Gushan City that you can’t do it at will, it’s not a rule that everyone abides by. It’s always a weak rule
At the moment, Yuan Ye paid a silver coin and wandered around in the isolated mountain city in the west of the city. He sensed that one of the maps was in this isolated mountain city, but the chaotic atmosphere once he entered the city made him determine the exact location.
Ice spirit Yuan Zun flame Yuan Zun is the same as trying to spread the four spiritual beads around and compete again. I may grab the four spiritual beads or fall to two big six nearby. If a spiritual bead falls to this windy and clear big six, they will make a profit. Yuan Ye muttered in his heart.
Peng, an absent Yuan Ye, felt that his body almost tripped when he shook.
This brother should be careful when walking. A young man looked at Yuan Ye with a smile. The young man sat on a stone bench and stretched his legs a little longer, mixing Yuan Ye with a 57 ornaments.
A saint with strength comparable to that of heaven almost tripped Yuan Ye. I really don’t know whether to cry or laugh. I immediately turned around and saw that this young man is still very handsome. Although Yuan Ye is not a very handsome man, Yuan Ye has a good impression on the guy. In this chaotic world, you kicked a person, and he rarely has such a good temper.
Oh, I’m sorry to ask you if you are Yuan Ye. All the way, it’s a pseudonym. This name is the name he played in his hometown.
I just chased me in Zhangyuan today. Younger is in a good mood. It’s so terrible to go shopping here. You don’t know. I’ve been dragged around Xigushan City by her all day. I’ve never been so tired of fighting. Zhangyuan looks very sighed.
Yuan Ye was so sad that I couldn’t just think about the treasure map. When I came to this remote place, I had to take Yunji to appreciate some customs and customs in this remote place and accompany her to go shopping.

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