What’s that? Jiro Muto felt bad when he saw a red light running through the night like a red glow.


You worship Japan, but Alexander is suspicious. Now that the guy from Dongfeng is dead, Fufeng is the leader of the pack. Even if he is still alive, how can he get away? This time, he is very lucky. Hum and hum.
Lord Alexander, we don’t worship the Japanese army to die, but it’s worth dying. That’s not a bad habit. Kimoto Jiro doesn’t look very good.
Alexander’s face is black. What do you mean by that? We Oren warriors are the strongest fighters in the mainland.
After saying his word, the red light has disappeared with the sound of a gun, and suddenly there is peace all around, and there is a horrible step in the Woods. The horrible step is not heard by many people and is approaching quickly from all sides.
Oh,no. Hanbee in the bamboo exclaimed that the adults were ambushing.
Mom, Alexander roared, you are such a crow’s mouth. The warriors are ready to break through.
It was the soldiers of Oren countries who shouted in unison that the average height of Oren people was 19 cm, while that of Fufeng people was about 18 cm. The shortest height of Japanese people was 17 cm. In terms of single combat power, the infantry of Oren countries was the most fierce, but Alexander didn’t pay attention to the troops of other two countries.
Hum Muto Jiro made a cold hum to prepare to meet them, and then secretly waved to Hanbee in the bamboo, and Hanbee in the bamboo leaned in. Muto Jiro quietly said that if the Coalition forces occupied the wind, everyone would rush ahead. If not, we would play it by ear.
Is Hanbee knowing words in the bamboo.
Alexander roared and led the army to the road. Suddenly, he saw a big fire and a killing word. A row of long guns and heavy infantry were waiting in the way. The first two generals in the front of the army were all silver helmets, silver armour, silver guns, white jade eyes, Matthew stars, beautiful and brave.
Alexander laughed in the sky, and two small white faces dared to stand in my way. Let’s come together. I have to say that the title of the first warrior in Oren is blowing.
Really? Leng Mengzhe gave a wink. This uncle said so, Xiao Ran, but what do you think to do?
However, regardless of the image, Dairan scolded 1 by 1, and the gigolo had already angered Dairan.
Ha, ha, ha, ha. All the troops gave me a chill. Dream Zhe laughed and caught Alexander before flattery.
Chapter 16 Rivers of blood
Alexander, however, is worthy of the fact that the broadsword of the first warrior in Oren was cut off by my dragon’s blood sword last time. It was purely my weapon. This time, he specially prepared a department to build a mace by fine steel, which is 100 pounds. Come and die, and hit Leng Mengzhe with a stick.
Leng Mengzhe had already expected that this recruit quickly threw himself off with a close call, but at this time he had already stabbed Alexander in the back with a shot of malice.
Alexander, like a man with eyes behind him, fell on his horse and missed the shot. At this time, Leng Mengzhe had already shot and pulled it over.
Alexander, who wiped out the whole army, was in a hurry, which was the same as trying his best. No matter which shot came, he rounded the mace, which means he had to pull a cushion even if he died.
The soldiers of Oren countries rushed forward at the sudden chaos of arrows on both sides of the mountain, and they also came with flames. The rockets were ambushed on both sides by the Green Phoenix Army. Suddenly, there was a burst of crying, dad shouted, mother scolded the street, and before they could finish cursing, the soldiers of Oren countries had rushed over. The soldiers of Oren countries were in a mess, and they took turns to attack the rockets and spears, and they collapsed in an instant.
On the other side, when Jiro Muto was leading the army to break through, he suddenly saw that the light infantry in white light armor had stepped back and revealed a gap.
What’s the matter? Muteng Jilang asked Hanbee in the bamboo next to him.
My Lord, no matter if he rushes at it quickly, Hanbee in Bamboo urges.
The soldiers rushed so fast. When they saw that Fufeng country had receded, the soldiers rushed forward, but they didn’t expect the light infantry to retreat and burst into hooves.
It’s cavalry Muto Jiro howling in despair.
However, it is the most fierce cavalry in the mainland, and the flying tigers are shaking everywhere in the mainland.
Oh, my God, get out of here. Worship the Japanese soldiers, screaming in horror, but the insects and ants are struggling.
The heavy cavalry pike lined up with the help of momentum to fly the soldiers who worshipped Japan. The first row of cavalry rushed to the front, and the second row of cavalry had already passed through the first row of satirical cracks and stepped on the bodies of the soldiers who worshipped Japan.
This is a unilateral massacre.
Oh, my God, what should I do? How loyal I am? Looking straight ahead at the bloody slaughterhouse, I asked nearby Shimazu Yoshihisa. It seems that this time we
Brother, you are too straight-minded, aren’t you, Shimazu Yoshihisa? Smile. You are the Tokugawa family, and I am the Shimadzu family. What does it matter to us if they are all dead? Wouldn’t it be better for us?
Endor’s loyalty suddenly dawned, and the two of them got the message and made a few smirks at the same time, and then they surrendered with their hands up. We surrendered.
The two of them shouted surrender, and the soldiers of Tokugawa Shimadzu followed suit.
A bunch of heartless guys, Muto Jiro, cursed in his heart that he was faster than me. He quickly raised his hands, threw away his weapons and shouted surrender. We surrendered.
With Mo Yungang and the cavalry, we rushed into the worship of Japan. Before we had enough fun, we heard a shout of surrender, and then our weapons were scattered all over the floor. Mo Yun said gloomily that the worship of Japan was all this scum.
Well, Lanai said that if we kill them, we have to lose soldiers, so it’s not so bad, is it?
At this time, I can’t bear to watch this bloody killing with my eyes closed.
Arrange this war in too top secret
At least one hundred thousand people were killed or injured.
I sighed. Does Ping really have to pay the price of blood?
Charming son seems to feel the sadness in my heart and stick me tighter.

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