In a sense, the world tree is one of the few forces that can benefit the three pillars well.


If the Three Pillars God is the pinnacle of conceptual biology
Then the world tree is the peak of biological energy.
Being able to inherit the world tree has never been a simple role.
The Three Pillars God is terrible, but the world tree family is not weak either.
Liu Yuan looked at the world tree that was constantly condensing’ divine fruit’ and left his royal beast after observing for a while.
What’s left is beyond his control.
The only thing he can do now is to wait.
Wait for the young trees to condense this hard-won divine fruit.
Divine fruit is the reason why Lu Yuan wants to awaken the patron saint root.
Through the observation of willow breakthrough theory
Lu Yuan has found the diamond-level biological breakthrough key.
This key is divinity.
Generally speaking, divine cohesion is very fond of chance.
Because the so-called divinity is a kind of power between personal power and belief of all beings.
And Liu was able to break through to the level so quickly.
The key reason is that he stole part of the divinity of the dreamland god.
Although this part of divinity is not much, it gives Liu climbing a higher stage qualification like fire.
The post-willow is this part of divinity, and then it devours many small worlds and fills this part of divinity.
Finally reached the level of strength.
And Lu Yuan’s desire to let himself or his pet animals break through to the divinity of the level is also the reason why he can’t get around the key.
Collapse can help them break through the life level limit, but this help is limited.
It’s as if you’ve reached the last step, then the avalanche can help you take this last step.
If you have both feet outside the door, there is no way to help you walk directly into the door.
Whether you have divinity or not is the first step of the key.
To take this step, then the subsequent breakthrough is a matter of course.
Lu Yuan estimated that Tam would help if he ate this divine fruit and then broke the jade.
Should be able to reach the level of speaking in three years.
And with the first level, it will be easy for him to break through the pet beast.
Because the whole league has a total of six seals.
After hunting, Luyuan can get six divine fruits.
When the time comes, all pets of Liu Yuan will be able to reach the level of speaking.
In general, it is not easy to hunt and kill the level creatures.
However, although the patron saint is said to be a level creature, it is greatly restricted and said to be a level creature.
Not to mention that Lu Yuan has mastered the method of restraining their conceptual immortality.
It is not a dangerous thing for Liu Yuan to fight against the patron saint after Tam can reach the level of speaking.
Think of this Liu Yuan is also secretly relieved in my heart.
He took a great risk in fighting Antoine this time.
If Antoine hadn’t been sealed at first, most of his strength would have been sealed.
If it weren’t for his reincarnation, sharingan happened to have a special pupil technique to restrain the other party.
It’s almost impossible to defeat Antoine.
After all, the biggest feature of concept creatures is that they are difficult to kill.
If you add this concept, the biological strength far exceeds your own situation.
Then it is even more impossible for you to defeat Antoine.
It is precisely because of so many powerful conditions that Lu Yuan finally found Antoine’s weakness steadily.
He was able to complete the miracle of the eye.
In the moonlight forest
When Lu Yuan took Antoine to his own beast.
Outside adolf vision is Liu yuan and Antoine disappeared together.
Where did they go after they disappeared? What happened after Adolf didn’t know.
So adolf heart is very uneasy at this time.
He worry about what Lu Yuan should do if he finally fails.
But his worry didn’t last long.
Almost five minutes after Lu Yuan and Antoine disappeared together, Lu Yuan once again appeared in front of Adolf.
Looking at Liu Yuan, who is tired but still well-preserved.
Adolf suddenly excited.
Because Lu Yuan doesn’t look like a loser after this.
"What is the result of Xiaolu?"
Looking at Liu Yuan Adolf who walked beside him, he immediately asked him out.
Liu Yuan looked up at Adolf with a bright smile.
"The plan … succeeded."
Adolf could not restrain his excitement at this time when he heard this.
Because this is not only the success of Lu Yuan, but also the success of the whole alliance.
If anyone wants the land source plan to succeed, it must belong to Adolf, the guardians.
Because the guardians are trying to suppress the patron saint
There is no difference between being in prison and being able to stay in one place all the year round with extraordinary power.
And due to perennial pollution by evil spirits, the life span of guardians is much shorter than that of ordinary diamond-level strong people.
But when Lu yuan successfully solved the patron saint, it meant that they finally stopped staying in one place.

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