Ha ha Xiao tong’s sister is going to lose again. She is always not Meng Dage’s opponent. Feather green lotus body is more and more round and beautiful. Liu Haier’s eyebrows are fluttering gently in the wind, and she is smiling at the moment.


Bai Xiaotong heard that he was furious and fell on the chessboard, calling a little girl with a green lotus to die, and then got up and recovered.
Meng Fei wryly looked at the two women in the twisting chase and looked at the chaotic chessboard, only shaking their heads and sighing and abandoning it.
A surname purple heart gently smiled and picked up the chessboard properly. We have been here for a hundred years. You haven’t thought clearly yet. Xiao Tong’s sister’s mind is well known. Since she didn’t drive her out, she just acquiesced. Does "xianggong" have to let us talk about it?
It was said that I was always gentle and sensible, and I couldn’t help but show some dissatisfaction in my voice.
Blood wonderful son smiled and nodded. Sister said yes. This "xianggong" in our family is the most cheap, but also tell the truth. It happened that he was a gentleman in his heart.
In the face of two women’s low banter, Meng Fei’s face was slightly stiff, and then his wry smile was even worse. He was not reluctant to let Xiaotong go, but when I stayed in this world, it was not long before I knew whether I would see her again in the future. It was really unwilling to hurt her.
I don’t think Meng Fei is a gentleman all my life, but I rarely owe others. But I feel guilty about you. Green Lotus is a necessity. Second, I am the only one who relies on this girl’s mind to die very much in the future, even if I will be alone for a lifetime.
Yu Xiaotong, she has a lot of choices, and her husband will deliberately ignore this matter in recent years. Since you two are today, you can help him secretly ask Xiaotong. If she is still willing, then he will give her a birthright and she will follow you and me for nearly a hundred years.
A surname purple heart chuckles with beautiful eyes flashing low. Husband, rest assured. Sister Xiaotong has been waiting for you for a hundred years. Where can I refuse?
Miao Er’s sister, please write to me that Xiaotong’s biological father is Dingyuan Hou Shizun Xiahou’s brother Yue Yingyuan and other five elder brothers are outside guests, so don’t call us any more. Let’s do a thing in this courtyard to bring Xiaotong into the Mengfu family.
Blood wonderful son nodded LianBu gently removed.
Yi Miao Er elder sister, where are you going? Feather green lotus Bai Xiaotong frolicking at the moment, he took the opportunity to get away and came to ask Chapter seven hundred and thirty-seven.
Blood wonderful bright eyes in Bai Xiaotong body swept implied somewhat smile way post.
Feather green lotus clever clever clever at the moment to see the blood wonderful son like eyes suddenly turned up and turned to look at Bai Xiaotong straight so sad, what Meng Dage to almost enough points, Xiaotong sister also inserted in one hand.
Yu Bai Xiaotong’s face has already turned red at the moment, and he has lost his usual playful nature. He turned and trotted into the room and spread it on the embroidered bed. He felt that his face was red and hot, but tears dripped gradually.
After waiting for a hundred years, this elm knot in one’s heart finally got the hang of it.
A wedding is not lively. People come to Meng Fei to meet several people. Although the well-informed people prepared gifts early and sent them, they never dared to disturb anything here.
It’s the night when the red candle is long and the guests are drunk at dawn before they leave.
Meng Fei personally sent five brothers to Bai’s householder Dingyuan Hou and others have already retired early, and your brother Meng Fei will stay in the secular world for ten years. After that, he will close you and me. See you in nine planets after one thousand years.
King Jin Jiao, a smoker, a guest, a blue haze, and others nodded and said, "Six brothers, don’t worry. If you repair and break through, we will break the ancient seal town, but our grasp will be much greater. You can rest assured that we will take care of it in Mengfu."
Meng Fei nodded and watched five people leave.
When I entered the room, I comforted the beauty in every way, so that I could resolve my sadness in my heart. After that, I was ashamed to welcome you, and I was rolled into a tidal wave. My brother’s affairs were not enough for humanity.
When you turn again, it will be ten in a moment.
Meng Fei closed up and repaired, and after a hundred years, it was ready to break the ancient town.
When the body is closed and the mansion is isolated, it is necessary to meditate and practice swallowing Dan and refining medicine. However, it is early for Mengfu to prepare for practice.
Nine deep and remote blood vines busy busy as early as after the eradication of the earth star palace has been hiding before returning to killing, while busy is fleeing into chaos
For him, the life mansion is not the most suitable place to practice, although it has a gap of dozens of times per hour.
Meng Fei closed for the longest time in practice.
one hundred years
200 years

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