Momentum, in plain English, is a state of mind, which can play a very important role in a basketball game.


The sudden change in Sung Jae Lee’s style of play made the American team suddenly a little uncomfortable. After the second quarter, both teams were substitutes.
But China’s substitute is really a substitute player, while the American substitute is an all-star.
Although China’s substitute lineup is luxurious in China, it is still much worse than that of the United States.
Wang Zhizhi and Du Feng inside can still hold the inside well, but the outside can only keep the situation by Li Cheng’s maneuver.
Li Cheng’s combination of his personal attack and the attack organization on the team is perfect, and his existence makes it impossible for the US team to open the score.
But China’s substitute is really a substitute player, while the American substitute is an all-star. (To be continued. . )
Chapter DiErSiBa Desperately!
Li Cheng’s madness moved the fans. Maybe China couldn’t beat the United States, but now the fans don’t care much about the gold medal.
As long as Li Cheng is not injured, even a silver medal is not bad. In fact, it’s not easy for China to persist in the face of such a behemoth as the United States.
Old K has frowned more than once on the sidelines. He thinks Li Cheng must have made sense in doing so. That player is not an impulsive player when his brain is hot!
According to coach K’s prediction, it is very good for Li Cheng to play in the third quarter as a whole.
"This player has not rested for a second so far, and now he is so willing to fight hard. How can his physical strength stand it? Is this the last madness of the China team, and they decided to give up in the last quarter? They did this just to prove to people that they can beat the US team in the first three quarters? " There were many ideas in coach K’s mind, and then an idea that surprised him suddenly appeared in his mind.
"Isn’t this Sung Jae Lee in the fourth quarter can also maintain this style of play? He is going to carry the China team alone and then win the final victory? "
To tell the truth, if Li Chengzhen can keep his present state and style of play to the last second, it is really possible for China to beat the United States.
No matter what the real intention of the China team is, Lao K feels that he should be careful, otherwise, if he capsizes in the gutter again today, the face of the American team really doesn’t know where to put it.
Old K made a gesture to make the players pay attention, and only after ensuring that all the players on the field saw it did he sit back in the coach’s seat with a little peace of mind.
Li Cheng continued his desperate mode, and now he is doing this to lay the most solid foundation for the decisive battle in the fourth quarter.
Wade’s successful breakthrough helped the United States to widen the score difference to 10 points again.
When China attacked, Li Cheng’s breathing was a little heavy, but he still controlled the ball very rhythmically.
In fact, even if Li Cheng holds up the China team’s backcourt now, China will still try his best in every attack.
Li cheng wants to break through. But now his breakthrough is a little bit difficult.
After the start of the third quarter, Li Cheng’s breakthrough was almost unsuccessful. His breakthrough was accomplished with dazzling ball control. His routine has been thoroughly understood by the American team. As long as he passes one person, the American team will immediately change the defense. In this way, Li Chenggong has no way to bring his breakthrough into play.
There is basically no way to break through, and Li Cheng has not wasted too much energy to dribble. His current dribbling is just to ensure that he will not be intercepted by his opponent.
China team is working very hard now, Sun Yue and Zhu Fangyu made a cross-running cooperation, and then Li Cheng directly threw the ball to Sun Yue.
Sun Yue is a talented player. He shook his shoulders, then forced a breakthrough inside along the sideline.
Sun Yue swung past Wade, and then he made a jump shot with a sudden stop.
The hit of this shot once again helped China narrow the difference to 8 points.
Now China and the United States are entangled in the score difference of 8 -10 points. The United States doesn’t want to back down, and China seems unable to continue to narrow the score gap.
During this period of time, Li Cheng’s physical consumption is too great. Even if he is still standing here now, he can’t play a very powerful performance like a few minutes ago.
Now the China team can still keep this gap, mainly because the China team has the advantage of numbers in the front line. In addition, Li Cheng’s face plays a great role in restraining the court.
The scoring efficiency of China and the United States is almost the same, but this balance is on the basketball court. Unless it is two teams with very equal strength, this balance cannot last long.
People who break the balance will always stand up. This time, the person standing out is Kobe Bryant.
Once Kobe Bryant, who is at the peak now, breaks out fighting power, the destructive power is quite terrible.
Kobe Bryant first made a three-pointer on the outside, and the three-pointer line in the international arena is a two-pointer for Kobe Bryant.

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