In the past, it has always been a high-rise area, and it can be successfully used here. Without exception, the industry elites are very valuable, and they are precious talents after all!


And some experiments here also have special cutting-edge instruments ~
Sonic Moreton naturally won’t turn a blind eye to those!
What will happen to the rest of the guys after the talents and precious equipment are taken away?
That’s not what he needs to worry about.
Anyway, the large moon colony in Nuoda stands on this bare moon surface and can be used as a large iron coffin, which is not only expensive but also novel in style!
Of course, in case those visitors from the "Wild World" are kind enough and succeed in discovering their words soon, those guys are not completely inactive …
Think of here.
He is also very comfortable to shift his eyes to the blue star of his home planet.
Have to say
Perhaps it is the residual human nature that has left some influence, or it may be the secret memory of the past.
After thinking that you may never come back in this life.
Nick Moreton’s heart is also quite rare and somewhat complicated.
A little hesitation, a little feeling … I can’t check a little sadness …
After all kinds of emotions are mixed together,
His cold eyes can’t help showing something that shouldn’t be there.
Wait for a while looked at the blue star for a few seconds, and then he slowly sighed and gave up an idea in his heart.
An idea to blow up Blue Star directly.
Investigate the reason
It is not difficult to understand.
Since I probably can’t come back, I didn’t keep it.
And what’s more important is that there are still many human beings who can’t be taken away.
According to Nick Moreton.
Those guys’ hearts are bound to be better than those who hate themselves. These guys hate themselves and others for not fleeing with them.
Keeping the other party’s message is likely to lead to some kind of disaster in the future!
And the best solution
Is from the "blue star" after conveniently blow up here will destroy everything.
Stop those who may get into trouble before!
dead body
Because there is no trouble.
Always more reassuring than living!
But now
Faced with the inexplicable throb in his heart, he finally gave up the best plan.
"Get ready to set sail …"
"The first goal-[Pluto] will go there to meet some people first."
Accompanied by his command, the "magic kingdom" hovering outside opened its dense limbs again.
There are waves of ripples around every dance, which makes the huge body sail a very long distance quickly …
Chapter 116 Golden light
Deep in the silent star
The naked eye captures the inside of the area
"Those guys left …"
When witnessing the whole process of "Magic Kingdom" leaving the sun quickly,
Those who are born again and crossed by aliens.
Are quietly hiding without interference.
Because they are all white, the first batch of [players] who left [Blue Star] are themselves and others, and they are barely a camp.
Those guys are bound to have conflicts with those players from the world of the wild.
After all, it is determined by the Player Template. If things don’t become the opponent’s experience value, there will be conflicts …

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