Come on, let’s go find Xiaoxiao. They stretched out their hands at her and pulled her up.


At the moment of his sight, Shura was a little flustered, and quickly avoided looking at her usual appearance as a female bandit. In fact, Shura looks beautiful, especially when she is quiet, and she looks like a lady. This will make her face reddish and make her eyes straight.
At the moment of the avalanche, it was a small rush towards her, holding her tightly in my arms and then rolling away in the direction of snow sliding, which saved two lives.
The first time I met a man, she was desperate, and her head was caught by one hand. The meat was painful and itchy, and she couldn’t get rid of it.
Careless, she brushed off her hair and snow, and then took off her fox fur and put it on her without saying anything.
I don’t want to fix it. I don’t even want to refuse it.
Don’t joke about it, no matter how big or small she is, hold her face in both hands. Look at your face. You are red with cold, and then jokingly pinch her little nose and say, Fix it. Will you marry me after leaving the snow-capped mountains?
Shura’s expression seems to have swallowed an egg. His eyes are wide open and his face is unbelievable. What did you say? Say it again.
Small and unbelievably beautiful, Shuer’s face became bright and proud. He announced that I said, I want you to marry me, and we birds are scattered.
I’m not going to yell at Shura and punch him mercilessly on the bridge of his nose.
The fist was easily grasped by a big hand. Shura froze and tried to draw it back, but his hand was like suction and he couldn’t draw it at all.
Shura stared at him in amazement. Are you a martial artist or a master?
Xiao bu suddenly embarrassed to bow his head is not an expert, but it is enough to protect you. It’s a pity that he is annoyed and sighs that I can transform without the spirit like that mouse.
Before he finished shura, he almost couldn’t wait to ask, are you a man, a god or a demon?
Xiao Bu, hey hey, smiled and took her hand and walked forward, staring at her with beautiful eyes. You care so much about whether I am a person or a demon. Have you decided to marry me? Hehe, it’s not impossible to know. He shook his head and looked like he wanted to swing his fist again, but I will tell my future mother.
Fix a twist eyebrow at his arm and twist it. Say it quickly.
You are so violent. Hey, hey, but I can’t.
Shura can’t stand it. Just dump his hand and forget it. On the contrary, I don’t really want to know.
Seeing her, I don’t want to ask, but I’m anxious. Don’t, don’t you mortals always say that you should stick to the end. Ask again and maybe I’ll tell you.
be uninterested in
Ask me, ask me.
You’re short. Don’t bother me. Get out of here.
Fix it, please. Just ask it again.
At this moment, the ground trembled slightly, and one or two people suddenly stopped and stood there, and then the snow-capped mountains came again with a very small and boring click.
Another avalanche.
Shura face mutation is not good. Run quickly, turn around and pull Xiao Bu and run ahead.
They were lucky to escape the first time. What about the second time? Will God take care of them again?
In an instant, the towering mountain peak once again slammed the white dragon and roared, rushing straight with countless huge ice cubes. This time, the boulder became more violent and ferocious, as if to destroy a creature in this snow.
Small don’t look back sip tight lips pull shura with her desperately running forward shura hold his hand tightly at this moment would have left everything behind, follow this man to try our best to escape.
At this moment, I was still running wildly, and I stopped at the same time, and I also took Shura and hugged her tightly around me to stop her from rushing away.
The foot is a cliff.
Shura froze and looked back. Roaring Snow Dragon bowed his head and glanced at his feet.

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