The submarine’s pursuit of suddenness and concealment enables these submarine soldiers to live like consumption. In the dark, like sardine cans, the clothes in iron coffins are always hot and humid, while the clothes are dirty. It is unimaginable and impossible for submarine soldiers to ensure a good army.


As time went by, Rao took off his winter coat and kept a thin sailor’s trousers. The fine sweat was still reckless. Te-von Lechenau’s face gathered and gradually merged into a flowing waterfall, and a series of steel plates fell off the command module.
"The right car enters two cars and keeps heading!" Pa a pocket watch in Weddigen’s hand was closed and the general silence was broken. "Raise the periscope. I need to report the situation."
The seafarer was busy repeating the instructions, while Te-von-Lechenau was scrambling to raise the slightly bulky periscope and carefully turn the angle.
"A large warship still has two smaller smoke columns heading northwest for us …" Te-von Lechenau’s heart thumped and stopped for a few seconds before he recovered his blood function. "We formed an angle!"
"Large warships?" The coxswain’s face lit up, and he took the periscope control handle in Te-von Lechenau’s hand. His eyes were red and he approached the lens barrel. He didn’t look down at the Imperial Admiralty’s ship manual. "It’s not a British battleship and patrol, nor is it French goods. Damn it …"
The X.O. realized what was crazy and turned back the manual of the handcraft.
"It’s Elizabeth!" The X.O. confirmed that he guessed that Weddigen’s indifference had solved the mystery and reached a new order: "Paul Hausen, I changed my mind. Sometimes we have to be bad boys!"
"Captain White!" Paul Hausen rubbed his hands and began to fiddle with his beloved line station, and rushed to send out a call for help to No.26 and No.3.
A series of more delicate orders were stirred up by the torpedo room at the bow of the ship. Private First Class just looked at Weddigen and continued to have sex. It seems that there will never be an answer to thinking.
"Young man, this is our captain." It seems to see through the young man’s ideological burden. The co-captain came over and sighed with Te-von Leschenau. "He is very straightforward and makes you feel like a spring breeze, but sometimes he is so hateful that you can’t wait to punch him. This is our captain. No one can make him restrain his temper unless General Heidi Selim!
The black mark on the deck of the water column was severely washed and wiped by the mop. If it was repeated, the war-weariness was full of British style, and the Victorian navy painting finally showed a trace.
"It feels terrible that Roy went out in high spirits and fled without success!" Michael Dawson set up a mop unwilling way
Just as Dawson’s resentment is regarded as a powerful symbol by the British, the Elizabeth-class battleship is now like an old woman sailing at a speed of 15 knots.
Fire, smoke, water column and shrapnel left devastation and chaos on the building and the side of the war-weary ship. The crane was tilted, and a flying bridge remained. The chimney steel plate was scattered with large and small cracks and scratches. A big hole was blasted in the side armor belt near the rudder cabin. The horizontal deck arched, distorted the inclined plane, deformed the shipbuilding steel and completely destroyed the rudder. This scene made Dawson, who loved this new ship, the war-weary ship, feel sad.
"Well, we’ve gone home!" Roy’s efforts to hold down the high-pressure hose swinging from left to right are partly a pity and partly a blessing to supplement the terrible encounter in the middle of the night. The fierce tactics, maneuvers and fierce artillery skills of the Germans gave Roy too many painful experiences, which made this small English seaside town realize that the throne of the North Atlantic has begun to shake or … change hands after hearing about the Royal Navy’s massacre in all directions and witnessing the flying of the Mitzi flag in the world.
"Roy, I’m sorry. Maybe we can’t go back …"
When I heard Dawson’s desperate voice, Roy didn’t look for the reason for Dawson’s gaffe. Suddenly, Roy fell on the deck and forced the hose to get rid of it. The water pressure made the hose deck rampage.
Dawson was swept by the iron hose nozzle and smashed the mop handle, and then he smashed Dawson’s chest and smashed a big hole. Dawson opened his mouth and spit out a big blood fog. The pupil suddenly opened to the maximum and fell flat with an incredible expression.
Dawson n!’ Dawson’s body was still twitching on the deck. Roy was crazy. He stumbled and got up askew to rush over. At this time, his feet trembled again. The battleship shifted and tilted to the right. Roy tumbled a few times and his head hit the shipbuilding steel on both sides of the forecastle.
His forehead cracked several centimeters long, and blood flowed into his eyes. Roy tried to get up and open his eyes, and the world was full of blood red.
The destroyer on the starboard side and the 4-inch cannon, 76-mm rapid-fire gun and one-pound gun in front opened fire desperately, and the sea was bleeding. Roy finally understood the fact.
"Not a mine! It’s a torpedo or a boat! "
At 7: 57 pm on March 4, 1915, the fast battleship Tired of War was ambushed by a German boat and was nicknamed "Sir Wei" by the later China Navy. Otto Weddigen once again gained glory-completely destroying a new capital ship.
Poor Tireless Root never thought that a German submarine would be hit by two torpedoes at the door of his house, and the soldiers risked their lives to drag out an ignoble existence, but its keel had been damaged, even if the Tireless was repaired, it could be a primary training ship. If the British were willing to give up, it would be a naval primary training ship worth 30 thousand pounds!
At 7: 24 in 1915, the weather finally allowed the ocean fleet to get ready for the launch of the seaplane. Two wooden Frederick FF-33 seaplanes were released into the sea by the cable of the Lilienthal seaplane carrier crane.
As of March, 1915, there were two German seaplane carriers, Zeppelin, the first reconnaissance fleet, and Lilienthal, the ocean fleet. The former came from the Earl of Graf Zeppelin, a real airship developed by the Empire, and the latter came from Otto von Lilienthal, a pioneer of imperial gliders.
These two seaplane carriers are modified from old merchant ships. Although they are all Frederick FF-33 seaplanes, we can still see from the "I don’t know the so-called" island buildings of these two seaplane carriers that some represent the clues of the new era.
Obviously, this is the credit of Wang Haidi’s paper. Although most sailors have reservations about the importance of aircraft with machine guns to upgrade to the future navy, a technological power will not easily relax its tracking and attention to a new technology.
Lieutenant Hanna Shaw sneered at the slogan "Good luck" hanging on the main mast of the Lilienthal, and threw a photo of Count Luckner’s sister, the fiery and irritable young lady of Felix von Luckner’s family, into the sea.
"Well, this is the real good luck!" The lieutenant pushed the pilot’s goggles to the bridge of his nose, reached for the deck maintenance technician Otto DeSzlaby, gave a thumbs-up and left his head to drive. The other one was Friedrich FF-33 colleague Hans-You Ergen-Stapf, who waved and slowly pushed the joystick of the plane.
When the propeller turns, the sea is quiet, and the heavy water shakes. After a period of gliding in the sea, the plane staggers to climb the sky.
"Oh, no, I seem to have left some aircraft repair tools in the cockpit …" Otto Deslow, a maintenance technician, hummed "We are going to England" and walked back with light steps. Suddenly, the technician paused and patted him on the back of the head regretfully.
The second gun Chapter 1 Unfortunately, he doesn’t belong to Britain (7)-
Chapter 10 It’s a pity that he doesn’t belong to Britain seven-
Chapter 10
Unfortunately, he doesn’t belong to Britain.
On the morning of the 4th, the long and bloody naval battle was finally completely detonated-please keep in mind that the two most powerful fleets on the planet encountered.
There is no pretence, and this repeated duel represents the peak confrontation of this surging era.
At the beginning of the battle, the ocean fleet fell into an unpredictable disadvantage. The sea fog interfered with the ocean fleet. Four columns collided with the big fleet that took the lead in the battle line. At this time, hippel led the seventh team and four king-class battleships to launch a desperate charge on the British battle line to cover the ocean fleet.

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