In fact, on the way, I have found that the black stone in Blackstone City is coal, but it is all due to various reasons. It is not produced here. When I saw Blackstone Mountain, I realized that this is the real vein. A large open-pit coal mine with high quality bituminous coal is the best choice for coke smelting. If the earth must be the largest open-pit coal mine in the world before the universe, this is a treasure.


How many are there near Blackstone City in Jiaer? Is Blackstone Mountain far from here? I want to see them all. I asked Jiaer
My Lord, there are more than 20 buildings around Blackstone Mountain City in different sizes, and several in this direction. Because this Blackstone Mountain is blocked, we can’t see it. We have to go around, but it’s not that Blackstone Mountain is in the imperial territory, and several are in the imperial territory of delia, Jia Er replied.
I see. Let’s go and see other black stone mountains, sooner or later. Let’s take this opportunity to have a look. I talked about leading the way in front of Jiaer.
In the evening, the party did not return to Blackstone City, but camped out outside the city and sat by the campfire after dinner. They were all puzzled and asked.
Young master, what do we think of these black stones? It seems to me that you have found a treasure. I usually like to joke with these orcs. They don’t have that kind of fear of their masters, and I don’t need that kind of fear. They talk to me more casually. I raised my hand and knocked on my forehead.
Don’t you know that Shante led people to do things last year? I personally directed the mine master in the mountains, so I don’t just dig here.
Young master, I was in the escort agency at that time. I met him there. I heard about it later. They all said that young master didn’t know what the underground burnable stones were called. Young master coal, you said that these black stones here were all full of coal.
Cong got it right but didn’t win the prize, I said with a smile
Then aren’t we rich? asked the young master.
Not necessarily/maybe
First of all, these are not us. After we buy them, they are our second light. If these coals are not good enough, if we are too high, it will not be worth the loss. We should have a good look. There is nothing else here. God forbid that I should look at such great wealth. Oh, I said
It took another two days for a group of us to inspect the situation around Blackstone City for 30 miles, and then a group of people were covered in dust and returned to Blackstone City Hotel. When they arrived at the hotel, they found that three big ladies were not in the store and said they had gone shopping. I guessed that this was the reason why these people were not white women who were almost abnormal about shopping. After a little rest, I led everyone to send it, but this time it was the official sales office of Blackstone City.
Ten days later, the old man in the imperial capital came to a letter to the imperial border city Blackstone City, and the information was said to have been paid attention to by various countries. The Earl of the Empire, Richie, sprinkled 86 bits of gold coins in Blackstone City to buy the land near his city. For hundreds of years, there was nothing in Blackstone Mountain. Seventeen Blackstone Mountains under the jurisdiction of Blackstone City were bought by him, and in addition, he bought a number of barren hills around nine barren hills that could not be cultivated.
The old man rubbed his brow, thinking that this smelly little empire is doing something. Now it’s me, but it’s not me. I don’t want to eat soft, but I don’t want to use force. When the empire wants to get something from me, it can hope that if I don’t do what I want, no one can pressure me to do and strengthen my strength, which makes them feel scared.
Now it’s not the Maltese Empire that’s betting on me, even the Kruma Empire, the delia Empire, the Mahlon Empire and other empires are betting on me. When the paper can’t cover the imperial capital, people still know the truth, and the empires can still know what happened in the Maltese Empire, but the ghost war crisis is just the ability of the empires. The old man’s reply to Blackstone City is to wait and see.
After stopping in Blackstone for five days, the motorcade has lost its way again. Tonight, it will live at the border crossing, and it will enter the delia Empire tomorrow. Art is short and stout, and riding on a high-wind beast is easy to laugh, but there is no other way to get him into the car. He just refuses, but there is no other tool for the beast to ride. He drives the wind beast to lean over to me and ask.
Boss, why did you buy so many barren hills? What exactly is that coal? What did you buy and then throw it there? The boss asked Art to call me that, which means he is my employee and can leave at any time.
I thought you would ask me as soon as you left Blackstone. I didn’t expect you to be patient. You didn’t ask me until now. I joked to Art about why you dwarves refine these minerals when building weapons.
Charcoal is not just us. I think the mainland has built weapons and races are all charcoal. This is the creation of God, except for your boss. I don’t know what your exception is, Yate said
I know it’s because of you. I pointed to Yate’s head. You always thought that the creator was tall. It is said that the method of building weapons by him has not changed, right?
Yes, the boss, but I don’t think the creator can be wrong. However, our people haven’t built the famous magic weapon of the mainland like our ancestors for thousands of years, but our dwarf people’s building technology is still the best in the mainland, Artest said
No one says that you are not the best, but you don’t believe in the myth of creation too much. You may have found that you can make better methods and materials. You don’t argue, I ask you what you need to build a good weapon.
Good steel, superb construction technology, Art replied
So good steel is why I asked
Refined from iron ore, Yate replied
What effect does temperature have on the quality of steel during refining? I asked
Of course, generally speaking, the higher the temperature, the less impurities there will be in the steel, and the better the quality of the steel. This is what every dwarf knows. Boss Dao, you don’t want to test me. Why don’t you bring some advanced questions? Why don’t you let me show you some good materials and build them? It’s as good as the weapons you showed me the other day, Art said triumphantly
Didn’t you find a way to increase the temperature during refining? I asked
Creator taught us a refining method, that is, what else can we do with charcoal? Yate asked.
Aren’t you too stupid? Everything in this world may be controlled by the God of Creation, so he won’t fall asleep. Man has become the master of this world because of his creative ability, but you dwarves can’t do it in this respect. I’ll tell you a way to turn coal into a better refining ore called coke, which can refine better steel and build sharper weapons. I said

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桑拿夜网品茶论坛 首先,茶饮在长沙有着悠久的历史。作为产茶大省湖南的一部分,长沙的茶饮文化源远流长。早在唐宋时期,长沙的岳麓茶就备受推崇,成为辽金两国的贡品。时至今日,长沙的茶饮种类繁多,其中最具代表性的便是湖南黑茶、长沙绿茶和岳麓茶。长沙女孩在日常生活中,无论是亲朋好友聚会,还是悠闲地漫步街头,都离不开一杯热腾腾的茶饮。 湖南黑茶以其独特的醇厚口感而著称。在长沙,黑茶不仅是一种饮品,更是一种文化。长沙女孩在品尝黑茶的过程中,不仅能感受到茶香四溢,还能体会到茶道的精神内涵。此外,长沙绿茶和岳麓茶也备受喜爱。绿茶清新爽口,岳麓茶则独具风味。长沙女孩在品味这些茶饮时,总能找到属于自己的那一款。 当然,在长沙,茶饮与快餐的结合也独具特色。长沙女孩在忙碌的生活中,往往会选择一款便捷的快餐搭配一杯茶饮。长沙的快餐种类丰富,有传统的米粉、炒粉、炒饭,还有近年来兴起的各类小吃。这些快餐不仅美味可口,而且价格亲民,深受长沙女孩的喜爱桑拿夜网品茶论坛。 以长沙米粉为例,它以其鲜美的汤底、细腻的口感和丰富的配料而闻名。长沙女孩在品尝米粉时,常常搭配一杯热茶,既解腻又提神。再如长沙炒粉,它以炒制工艺独特、口感鲜美而著称。长沙女孩在品尝炒粉时,往往选择一杯冰镇奶茶,既能消暑解渴,又能增添一丝清爽。 此外,长沙的快餐店也颇具特色。从街头巷尾的小吃摊到高档的餐厅,都充满了浓郁的茶香和美食气息。长沙女孩在品尝美食的同时,还能感受到浓厚的文化氛围。 总之,茶饮与快餐在长沙的融合,既体现了长沙人独特的饮食文化,又展现了长沙女孩的生活态度。在忙碌的生活中,她们懂得品味茶饮快餐的美好,享受生活带来的快乐。而对于长沙这座城市的饮食文化,茶饮与快餐无疑是最具代表性的元素之一。