Moreover, there are usually many benefits to be gained from the increase of the strong uneasiness of the military tail.


Meng Fei nodded slightly and looked at one hundred people in front of him, but he couldn’t help shaking his head slightly. Presumably, he has always entered the bloodline. No one should dare to make public and join the legion and take charge of the high position.
After all, the true qi and blood of the practitioner are different, although the blood force attributes of the imperial dynasty can cover up the breath after changing the force, but there is no difference in the end. If the hand is strong, it is likely to be seen. Chapter 130 Entering the temple.
Moreover, the practice of magical powers of all ethnic groups is of the earth, but the practice of the blood dynasty is completely different, and once it is put into practice, it will arouse others’ doubts
But Meng Fei compared them with a great advantage, that is, his flesh can make him comparable to the blood emperor even if he doesn’t have the true qi. If he adds the true qi to beat the blood emperor, it is absolutely not a problem.
Moreover, the operation of the true qi in the body needs to be exposed, and the security is much higher.
That’s why Meng Fei entered the bloodline dynasty. For safety’s sake, people never used their magical powers. Everything was flesh and true qi.
In the future, we will follow the adults and fight bravely to protect the imperial dynasty from infringement.
Hundreds of people with low heads and growls are almost roaring and firm.
Meng Fei looked solemn and said, "My blood flies to accept your loyalty and you will fight side by side."
This is the loyalty of the dark legion, but only senior officers who have reached the command level can enjoy such treatment
If Meng Fei is really a bloodline, the emperor will practice and stay in the army for a long time, then the hundred people in front of him will be regarded as his first hand, and life and death will be honored in the future
However, in the end, Meng Fei will leave as soon as he is summoned by the Xia Dynasty.
My Lord, ten deputy regiments have been waiting for a long time. You are in charge of the first battle force. You are the first to choose which deputy regiments to follow. The family members and others have been waiting outside the courtyard to inform you to go to the temple of sealing books after you wake up.
Meng Fei nodded as he expected. Since this is the case, don’t keep your adults waiting. Let’s go immediately.
The main meeting room of the Dark Legion in the sealed temple will always be opened when there is a major military promotion.
Senior officers with the rank of commander-in-chief and commander-in-chief selected for this camp can accept the decorated officers of the dark legion here.
The building pattern of the main hall is simple and primitive, and there is a cold and cold atmosphere right against the face.
Thousands of Dark Legion soldiers stand outside the temple with a straight back and a steady javelin, and their eyes are cold and sweeping. Although it is a level of blood, it sends out and Shaqi reaches a frightening level. Obviously, it is the elite soldier who has been fighting for a long time.
Meng Fei led by Fan Tianchen set foot in front of the sealed book temple.
Outside the temple, the soldiers’ shaqi instantly turned into several bloody thin lines like poisonous snakes.
This ShaQi is their life-long war, but the power is still in the second place. If the ShaQi shocks, the mentally weak generation will surely collapse completely.
Thousands of elite soldiers body ShaQi coercion superposition is enough to have some influence on the blood emperor.
Entering the sealed temple needs to withstand the test of suffocation.
It is important to March, fight and repair the earth, but generals need to hold firm beliefs. In the face of such difficulties, they will not be pessimistic and desperate, and lead the soldiers to fight bravely. Only in this way can they be qualified officers.
It is a state of mind for thousands of soldiers to compare their hands.
Meng Fei was calm. He had already learned from Fan Tianchen and other people that his eyes were slightly shining and he was afraid to take a step forward.
Fan Tianchen Zuo Zong and others look at each other and admire each other.
Not the kui is at the head of the adults in the face of ShaQi practice without any fear. If they were in the shoes, I’m afraid they would never be so calm. After all, they have heard a lot about ShaQi practice terror before.
How can they fall behind when adults are already there?
Fan Tianchen Zuozong glances and then suddenly gritted his teeth to follow Meng Fei and stepped into the square in front of the temple.

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