However, now that the whole city turned out to be the big miss Mulberry House, his doomed fiancee, for an instant, his heart was very sorry. The mulberry family is really full of food. Such a beautiful girl is still a big lady in the city of Cangwu. What kind of husband is there? Why do you have to use a Dan medicine in such a humiliating way in exchange for him to be a door-to-door son-in-law?


Even if the city of Cangwu welcomed him to the door with a little master and reason, he still felt awkward.
If from the beginning, the mulberry family made it clear, and Chu Yanqi also said that it was understandable. If the mulberry city directly said to him-she is a big miss of the mulberry family, likes him, and hopes that he will be adopted by son in law.
Chu Yanqi estimated that without saying anything, he would nod and agree. He didn’t have such a big man’s thought in his bones.
But the city of Cangwu didn’t know what to think. First, it held its head high and exchanged a Dan medicine for his adoption. Moreover, if there is no hint of the city of Cangwu, the Chu family will not be so humiliated and difficult for him. Even Chu Yanqi suspects that the mulberry family wants to get rid of Chu Hua directly through Chu Zhengming.
He doesn’t know what the city of Cangwu really wants to do. He is such a useless person. Is it worthwhile to let the Sangs go to so much trouble?
"Miss sang, you can’t find a husband, can you? Error-free novel network many words "ChuYanQi suddenly asked.
Sang Qingcheng naturally knew his mind, and immediately laughed: "There are many men, and it is not a problem to find one. However, it is still very difficult to find one that looks pleasing to the eye, such as-you?"
"I am good?" ChuYanQi asked.
"Very nice, I like it!" Mulberry city said bluntly.
"Because of this?" ChuYanQi asked.
"Otherwise, you can still have it?" Mulberry city asks.
"No!" Chu Yanqi stopped talking. He was handsome. It was recognized by everyone who had seen him. Indeed, when he looked in the mirror for the first time, he also felt this way. Damn, if a person looks so beautiful, he deserves to be abused to death.
ChuYanQi said, and began to Bala rice, eat a bowl of rice, also drank a bowl of soup. Mr. Cang tried to ask about him and Alice several times, but he didn’t ask after all.
At this time, all of a sudden, there was a sound like a muffled thunder from the ground, like a monster awakening, and the whole ground was shaking.
"Sound?" Luo Yulou asked.
"The underground palace is open, quick!" Mr. Cang said, "You follow me, Wuji, and take Yanqi."
In fact, without his command, Chu Yanqi has swept his own things into the blue ideas with extremely fast speed, and the speed of Wuji and Sangcheng is also amazing.
Mr. Cang grabbed the Luoyu Building, shook his body and flew towards the distant mountain pavilion.
Infinite pulled ChuYan habitat, with the fastest speed with Mr. God, mulberry city into a shadow, no, specifically, it was a black fog, and it looked unspeakable.
"The unscrupulous Buddha, wait for me!" The fat road flyover shouted loudly.
Nobody paid attention to him. Mr. Cang’s speed was very fast, which was because he slowed down and waited for the promise and others. Otherwise, the promise and others could not catch up with him at all.
"Something?" ChuYanQi suddenly said.
Originally in the gray sky, a large red cloud appeared, with a buzzing sound, thinking about their side.
"Look out!" Mr. Cang suddenly said loudly, while speaking, with a wave of his hand, he had hidden Luoyu Building in the place.
Chu Yanqi suddenly remembered that Sang Qingcheng put the ink silk in place, so it wouldn’t really be stored in the animal bag. However, in this case, it is safer to store the animal bag.
"This is a carnivore." The fat road flyover suddenly exclaimed aloud.
"It’s called a carnivore?" ChuYan habitat surprised asked.
"Insects that can devour people’s spiritual power." Wuji was busy explaining, "Master, be careful."
"hmm!" ChuYanQi promised.
When Mr. Cang raised his hand, a blue light struck hongyun, and there was a crack in hongyun in the sky, which was divided into two strands and came towards the crowd.
"You go into the underground palace first, and I’ll break the back." Mr. Cang said.
"good!" The fat road flyover was busy promising, and he couldn’t wait for a sound, so he immediately flew towards the castle with extremely fast speed.
Promise with ChuYan habitat, also flew in the past, mulberry city just a hesitation, or follow to fly in the past, but, so a little time, she has been a few steps behind, surrounded by countless hongyun.
"Mulberry girl, this place doesn’t need to be kept." Mr. Cang shouted.
"Yes!" Mulberry city body shook, changed into a shadow, and shuttled through the hongyun. At the moment when the shadow touched hongyun, insects fell from the sky.

Chapter two hundred and thirty-five Carnivorous insect
Infinity protects ChuYan habitat, at the moment of flying into the attic, he knew something was wrong, it was not an attic at all, but it was built on a mountain, which looked like an attic from a distance, but it was huge inside. Of course, this is not the point. The point is-there are so many insectivorous insects in it.
With a genial smile, Wuji pulled Chu Yanqi to move out, but it was still late, and the insectivorous insects everywhere flooded in.
ChuYanQi constantly hit LeiFu, road LeiFu into flames, exploded at his side, but for those who eat spirit worm, the effect is not big.
Infinite hard shield composed of spiritual force, but, just for an instant, the ogre has devoured the shield and jumped up at the two men.
"Promise, you go out!" ChuYanQi cried.
"Master …" Wuji instantly understood what Chu Yanqi wanted to do, and immediately shouted, "Let’s die together."
"Shit, I’m really not interested in you." ChuYan habitat constantly beat out LeiFu, conveniently and light operator, but those bugs are creatures living in the dark, but they are not afraid of light, so it has no effect at all. "I still like beauty …"
Wuji wanted to talk, but those bugs actually crawled toward his mouth and nose, so he shut his mouth honestly, and blue light flashed, killing the insectivorous insects.
"Next time, I will prepare pesticides." ChuYanQi loudly drink a way, it’s a pity that, even with the infinite back, countless ghouls are eyeing him.
On the other side, the fat road flyover was yelling just now. At this time, there was no sound at all, only a huge body. Covered with ghouls.
ChuYan habitat, also be covered with insectivorous insect, he felt, bite his pain will be numb.

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